Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When searching Flickr I found I was spending masses of time just looking at the great photos...but what to write about. A search of my old home area of Wentworth brought up a diverse group of photos mainly because the Wentworth I know is in the outback as far south-west as you can go in NSW. These photos were interspersed with that other area in the Blue Mountains which is a great deal better known by the Eastern dwellers of the state.
Thanks to GrahaminMelbs who took this photo of the sandhills just outside the town of Wentworth.
Compare this photo to this one by Yewenyi that shows the beauty of the Blue Mountains near Wentworth Falls.
Two photos of natural landscape, one of wind blown sand piling into ever moving hills...great for playing in and rolling down and the other of an area of much higher rainfall and a different type of beauty.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for sharing the photos. Hope you are enjoying Learning 2.0
Kathleen A